waterML Module

Functions to available to Manage WaterOneFlow Web Services

class pywaterml.waterML.WaterMLOperations(url=None)[source]

This class represents the WaterML object that will be able to fetch and analyze Data from ‘WaterML’ and ‘WaterOneFlow’ Web Services


url – WaterOneFlow web service that complies to the SOAP protocol


Add a WaterOneFlow web service to the WaterMLOperations class. It can have any WaterOneFlow web service that uses the SOAP protocol.


url – WaterOneFlow web service that complies to the SOAP protocol




url_testing = "http://hydroportal.cuahsi.org/para_la_naturaleza/cuahsi_1_1.asmx?WSDL"
water = WaterMLOperations()
data = water.AddEndpoint(url_testing)

Change the WaterOneFlow web service of a WaterMLOperations class. The current WaterOneFlow web service can be changed by any WaterOneFlow web service that uses the SOAP protocol.


url – WaterOneFlow web service that complies to the SOAP protocol




url_testing = "http://hydroportal.cuahsi.org/para_la_naturaleza/cuahsi_1_1.asmx?WSDL"
water = WaterMLOperations(url = url_testing)
data = water.ChangeEndpoint("")

Give the WaterOneFlow web services that are available from a WaterOneFlow service containing a HIS catalog.


url – WaterOneFlow web service that complies to the SOAP protocol


available services in a given WaterOneFlow service containing a HIS catalog.

Return type:



url_testing = "http://gs-service-production.geodab.eu/gs-service/services/essi/view/whos-country/hiscentral.asmx"
water = WaterMLOperations(url = url_testing)
available_services = water.AvailableServices(url_testing)

Get all registered data services from a given WaterOneFlow Web service containing a HIS catalog. GetWaterOneFlowServiceInfo can be regarded as a special case of GetServicesInBox2, as the former requests the returns for the global area. :param None:


  • servURL: URL of the WaterOneFlow web service

  • Title: title of the WaterOneFlow web service

  • organization: supervising organization of the WaterOneFlow web service

  • aabstract: abstract of the WaterOneFlow web service

Return type:

A dictionary containing the following data for the different WaterOneFlow web services contained in the HIS catalog


url_testing = "http://gs-service-production.geodab.eu/gs-service/services/essi/view/whos-country/hiscentral.asmx"
water = WaterMLOperations(url = url_testing)
services = water.GetWaterOneFlowServiceInfo()

Get all the sites from a WaterOneFlow web service that complies to the SOAP protocol. The GetSites() function is similar to the GetSites() WaterML function.


format – format of the response (json, csv or waterML)


  • latitude = The WGS84 latitude in decimal degrees

  • longitude = The WGS84 longitude in decimal degrees

  • site_name = The name of the site

  • network = Network that the site belongs to

  • sitecode = A short unique code of the site

  • siteID = The site ID in the original database

  • fullSiteCode = full site code of the current site. The fullSiteCode of every site is the following string: “network: sitecode”

Return type:

A json, csv or waterML file containing the following data for all the differet sites


url_testing = "http://hydroportal.cuahsi.org/para_la_naturaleza/cuahsi_1_1.asmx?WSDL"
water = WaterMLOperations(url = url_testing)
sites = water.GetSites()
GetSitesByBoxObject(ext_list, inProjection, format='json')[source]

Get all the sites from a bounding box from a WaterOneFlow web service that complies to the SOAP protocol. The GetSitesByBoxObject() function is similar to the GetSitesByBoxObject() WaterML function.

  • ext_list – Array of bounding box coordinates in a given projection.

  • inProjection – Projection from the array of coordinates of the given bounding box.

  • format – format of the response (json, csv or waterML)


A json, csv or waterML file containing the following data for all the differet sites in the selected boundingbox
  • latitude = The WGS84 latitude in decimal degrees

  • longitude = The WGS84 longitude in decimal degrees

  • site_name = The name of the site

  • network = Network that the site belongs to

  • sitecode = A short unique code of the site

  • siteID = The site ID in the original database

  • fullSiteCode = full site code of the current site. The fullSiteCode of every site is the following string: “network: sitecode”


url_testing = "http://hydroportal.cuahsi.org/para_la_naturaleza/cuahsi_1_1.asmx?WSDL"
water = WaterMLOperations(url = url_testing)
## use with epsg:4326 ##
BoundsRearranged = [-66.4903,18.19699,-66.28665,18.28559]
sites = water.GetSitesByBoxObject(BoundsRearranged,'epsg:4326')

Get variables meatada from a WaterOneFlow web service that complies to the SOAP protocol. GetVariables() function is similar to the GetVariables() WaterML function


format – format of the response (json, csv or waterML)


  • variableName: Name of the variable

  • unitName: Name of the units of the values associated to the given variable and site

  • unitAbbreviation: unit abbreviation of the units from the values associated to the given variable and site

  • noDataValue: value associated to lack of data.

  • isRegular: Boolean to indicate whether the observation measurements and collections regular

  • timeSupport: Boolean to indicate whether the values support time

  • timeUnitName: Time Units associated to the observation

  • timeUnitAbbreviation: Time units abbreviation

  • sampleMedium: the sample medium, for example water, atmosphere, soil.

  • speciation: The chemical sample speciation (as nitrogen, as phosphorus..)

Return type:

A json, csv or waterML file containing the following data of the variables from the WaterOneFlow web service


url_testing = “http://hydroportal.cuahsi.org/para_la_naturaleza/cuahsi_1_1.asmx?WSDL” water = WaterMLOperations(url = url_testing) variables = water.GetVariables()

GetSiteInfo(site_full_code, format='json')[source]

Get the information of a given site. GetSiteInfo() function is similar to the GetSiteInfo() WaterML function.

  • site_full_code – A string representing the full code of the given site following the structure - site_full_code = site network + “:” + site code

  • format – format of the response (json, csv or waterML)


  • siteName: Name of the site.

  • siteCode: Code of the site.

  • network: observation network that the site belongs to

  • fullVariableCode: The full variable code, for example: SNOTEL:SNWD.Use this value as the variableCode parameter in GetValues().

  • siteID: ID of the site

  • latitude: latitude of the site

  • longitude: longitude of the site

  • variableName: Name of the variable

  • unitName: Name of the units of the values associated to the given variable and site

  • unitAbbreviation: unit abbreviation of the units from the values associated to the given variable and site

  • dataType: Type of data

  • noDataValue: value associated to lack of data.

  • isRegular: Boolean to indicate whether the observation measurements and collections regular

  • timeSupport: Boolean to indicate whether the values support time

  • timeUnitName: Time Units associated to the observation

  • timeUnitAbbreviation: Time units abbreviation

  • sampleMedium: the sample medium, for example water, atmosphere, soil.

  • speciation: The chemical sample speciation (as nitrogen, as phosphorus..)

  • beginningDateTimeUTC: The UTC date and time of the first available

  • EndDateTimeUTC: The UTC date and time of the last available

  • beginningDateTime: The local date and time of the first available

  • EndDateTime: The local date and time of the last available

  • censorCode: The code for censored observations. Possible values are nc (not censored), gt(greater than), lt (less than), nd (non-detect), pnq (present but not quantified)

  • methodCode: The code of the method or instrument used for the observation

  • methodID: The ID of the sensor or measurement method

  • qualityControlLevelCode: The code of the quality control level. Possible values are -9999(Unknown), 0 (Raw data), 1 (Quality controlled data), 2 (Derived products), 3 (Interpretedproducts), 4 (Knowledge products)

  • qualityControlLevelID: The ID of the quality control level. Usually 0 means raw data and 1 means quality controlled data.

  • sourceCode: The code of the data source.

  • timeOffSet: The difference between local time and UTC time in hours.

Return type:

A json, csv or waterML file containing the following data of the seleceted site from the WaterOneFlow web service


url_testing = "http://hydroportal.cuahsi.org/para_la_naturaleza/cuahsi_1_1.asmx?WSDL"
water = WaterMLOperations(url = url_testing)
sites = water.GetSites()
firstSiteFullSiteCode = sites[0]['fullSiteCode']
siteInfo = water.GetSiteInfo(firstSiteFullSiteCode)
GetValues(site_full_code, variable_full_code, start_date, end_date, methodCode=None, qualityControlLevelCode=None, format='json')[source]

Get the specific values for an specific variable in a site. GetValues() function is similar to the GetValues() WaterML function.

  • site_full_code – A string representing the full code of the given site following the structure - site_full_code = site network + “:” + site code

  • variable_full_code – A string representing the full code of the given variable following the structure - variable_full_code = site network + “:” + variable code

  • start_date – beginning date time for the time series of the variable

  • end_date – end date time for the time series of the variable

  • methodCode – method code for data extraction for the given variable

  • qualityControlLevelCode – The ID of the quality control level.Typically 0 is used for raw dataand 1 is used for quality controlled data.To get a list of possible quality controllevel IDs, see qualityControlLevelCode column in the output of GetSiteInfo(). If qualityControlLevelCode is not specified,then the observations in the output data.frame won’t befiltered by quality control level code.

  • format – format of the response (json, csv or waterML)


  • siteName: Name of the site.

  • siteCode: Code of the site.

  • network: observation network that the site belongs to

  • siteID: ID of the site

  • latitude: latitude of the site

  • longitude: longitude of the site

  • variableName: Name of the variable

  • unitName: Name of the units of the values associated to the given variable and site

  • unitAbbreviation: unit abbreviation of the units from the values associated to the given variable and site

  • dataType: Type of data

  • noDataValue: value associated to lack of data.

  • isRegular: Boolean to indicate whether the observation measurements and collections regular

  • timeSupport: Boolean to indicate whether the values support time

  • timeUnitName: Time Units associated to the observation

  • timeUnitAbbreviation: Time units abbreviation

  • sampleMedium: the sample medium, for example water, atmosphere, soil.

  • speciation: The chemical sample speciation (as nitrogen, as phosphorus..)

  • dateTimeUTC: The UTC time of the observation.

  • dateTime: The local date/time of the observation.

  • dataValue: Data value from the observation.

  • censorCode: The code for censored observations. Possible values are nc (not censored), gt(greater than), lt (less than), nd (non-detect), pnq (present but not quantified)

  • methodCode: The code of the method or instrument used for the observation

  • qualityControlLevelCode: The code of the quality control level. Possible values are -9999(Unknown), 0 (Raw data), 1 (Quality controlled data), 2 (Derived products), 3 (Interpretedproducts), 4 (Knowledge products)

  • sourceCode: The code of the data source

  • timeOffSet: The difference between local time and UTC time in hours.

Return type:

An object containing properties for the time series values for the given variable in the given site. The object has the following data


url_testing = "http://hydroportal.cuahsi.org/para_la_naturaleza/cuahsi_1_1.asmx?WSDL"
water = WaterMLOperations(url = url_testing)
sites = water.GetSites()
firstSiteFullSiteCode = sites[0]['fullSiteCode']
siteInfo = water.GetSiteInfo(firstSiteFullSiteCode)
firstVariableFullCode = siteInfo['siteInfo'][0]['fullVariableCode']
start_date = siteInfo['siteInfo'][0]['beginDateTime'].split('T')[0]
end_date = siteInfo['siteInfo'][0]['endDateTime'].split('T')[0]
variableResponse= water.GetValues(site_full_code, variable_full_code, start_date, end_date)
GetSitesByVariable(specific_variables_codes, cookiCutter=None, format='json')[source]

Get the specific sites according to a variable search array from a WaterOneFlow web service that complies to the SOAP protocol. The GetSitesByVariable() is an addition to the WaterML functions because it allows the user to retrieve sites that contains the epecific site/s.


specific_variables: An array of strings representing a list of variables that will serve as a filter when retrieving sites. cookiCutter: A list containing the different information from each site. It can be the response of the GetSites() or GetSitesByBoxObject() functions. if the cookiCutter is not specified, the function will filter all the functions calling GetSites() internally. format: format of the response (json, csv or waterML)


  • latitude = The WGS84 latitude in decimal degrees

  • longitude = The WGS84 longitude in decimal degrees

  • site_name = The name of the site

  • network = Network that the site belongs to

  • sitecode = A short unique code of the site

  • siteID = The site ID in the original database

  • fullSiteCode = full site code of the current site. The fullSiteCode of every site is the following string: “network: sitecode”

Return type:

An array of objects that represent each site. The structure of the response is the following


url_testing = "http://hydroportal.cuahsi.org/para_la_naturaleza/cuahsi_1_1.asmx?WSDL"
water = WaterMLOperations(url = url_testing)
sites = water.GetSites()['sites']
variables = water.GetVariables()['variables']

# choose the first variable to filter#

variables_to_filter = [variables[0][variableCode]]
sitesFiltered = water.GetSitesByVariable(variables_to_filter,sites)
GetInterpolation(GetValuesResponse, type='mean')[source]

Interpolates the data given by the GetValues function in order to fix datasets with missing values. Three ooptions for interpolation are offered: mean, backward, forward. The default is the mean interpolation.

  • GetValuesResponse – response from the GetValues() function

  • type – type of interpolation to be performed: mean, backward, forward

  • format – format of the response (json, csv or waterML)


An array containing the interpolation chosen by the user (backward, mean, forward)


url_testing = "http://hydroportal.cuahsi.org/para_la_naturaleza/cuahsi_1_1.asmx?WSDL"
water = WaterMLOperations(url = url_testing)
sites = water.GetSites()
firstSiteFullSiteCode = sites[0]['fullSiteCode']
siteInfo = water.GetSiteInfo(firstSiteFullSiteCode)
firstVariableFullCode = siteInfo['siteInfo'][0]['fullVariableCode']
start_date = siteInfo['siteInfo'][0]['beginDateTime'].split('T')[0]
end_date = siteInfo['siteInfo'][0]['endDateTime'].split('T')[0]
variableResponse= water.GetValues(site_full_code, variable_full_code, start_date, end_date)
interpolationData = water.GetInterpolation(variableResponse, 'mean')
GetMonthlyAverage(GetValuesResponse=None, site_full_code=None, variable_full_code=None, start_date=None, end_date=None, methodCode=None, qualityControlLevelCode=None)[source]

Gets the monthly averages for a given variable, or from the response given by the GetValues function for a given site.

  • GetValuesResponse – response from the GetValues() function. If this is given the others paramters do not need to be given.

  • site_full_code – A string representing the full code of the given site following the structure - site_full_code = site network + “:” + site code

  • variable_full_code – A string representing the full code of the given variable following the structure - variable_full_code = site network + “:” + variable code

  • start_date – beginning date time for the time series of the variable

  • end_date – end date time for the time series of the variable

  • methodCode – method code for data extraction for the given variable

  • qualityControlLevelCode – The ID of the quality control level.Typically 0 is used for raw dataand 1 is used for quality controlled data. To get a list of possible quality controllevel IDs, see qualityControlLevelCode column in the output of GetSiteInfo(). If qualityControlLevelCode is not specified,then the observations in the output data.frame won’t befiltered by quality control level code.


An object containing properties for the time series values for the given variable in the given site. The structure of the response is the following

  • variable: variable name

  • unit: units of the values

  • title: title of the time series values

  • values: an array of arrays containing [date, value]


water = WaterMLOperations(url = url_testing)
sites = water.GetSites()
firstSiteFullSiteCode = sites[0]['fullSiteCode']
siteInfo = water.GetSiteInfo(firstSiteFullSiteCode)
firstVariableFullCode = siteInfo['siteInfo'][0]['fullVariableCode']
start_date = siteInfo['siteInfo'][0]['beginDateTime'].split('T')[0]
end_date = siteInfo['siteInfo'][0]['endDateTime'].split('T')[0]
variableResponse= water.GetValues(site_full_code, variable_full_code, start_date, end_date)
monthly_averages = water.getMonthlyAverage(variableResponse)
GetClustersMonthlyAvg(sites, variableCode, n_cluster=3, methodCode=None, qualityControlLevelCode=None, timeUTC=False)[source]

Gets “n” number of clusters using dtw time series interpolation for a given variable

  • sites – response from the GetSites() function. Performance of the fuction can be given if the resuls of the GetSitesByVariable() function is passed instead.

  • variableCode – string representing the variable code for the time series clusters of the given sites.

  • n_clusters – integer representing the number of cluster to form.

  • methodCode – method code for data extraction for the given variable.

  • qualityControlLevelCode – The ID of the quality control level.Typically 0 is used for raw dataand 1 is used for quality controlled data. To get a list of possible quality controllevel IDs, see qualityControlLevelCode column in the output of GetSiteInfo(). If qualityControlLevelCode is not specified, then the observations in the output data.frame won’t befiltered by quality control level code.

  • timeUTC – Boolean to use the UTC time instead of the time of the observation.


An array of arrays of the following structure [monthly averages array, cluster_id]

[[[0.141875, 0.1249375, 0.0795, 0.12725, 0.0877, 0.0, 0.09375, 0.1815, 0.15437499999999998, 0.164625, 0.1614, 0.20900000000000002], 1], [[0.1, 0.08662500000000001, 0.0414025, 0.048, 0.052, 0.0, 0.1105, 0.015, 0.06625, 0.10587500000000001, 0.0505, 0.046125], 0], [[0.2265, 0.27225, 0.17407499999999998, 0.13475, 0.14525, 0.129, 0.17825, 0.210625, 0.103125, 0.0, 0.23675], 2]]


url_testing = "http://hydroportal.cuahsi.org/para_la_naturaleza/cuahsi_1_1.asmx?WSDL"
water = WaterMLOperations(url = url_testing)
sites = water.GetSites()
firstSiteFullSiteCode = sites[0]['fullSiteCode']
siteInfo = water.GetSiteInfo(firstSiteFullSiteCode)['siteInfo']
clusters = water.getClustersMonthlyAvg(sites,siteInfo[0]['variableCode'])